

That’s where my favourite Festival takes place: Midgardsblot! 🙂

Midgard Vikingsenter in Borre is a branch of the Vestfold Museums, and is located next to Northern Europe’s largest assembly of monumental grave mounds from the Germanic Iron Age and the Viking Age. The Centre opened in 2000 with the primary task of creating and spreading knowledge about Viking Age in the Vestfold County.

The burial mounds in Borre constitute one of Norway’s most important national heritage sites, and it was a place of power and influence in Europe during the Viking Age.

The great Viking Hall at Borre is a unique reconstruction of a great mead hall for the Viking aristocracy. The remains of two such halls have recently been discovered just next to the Borre park, indicating that Borre was a center of power already early in the Viking Age. Based on fresh archeological theories on what these halls may have looked like, the construction took several years and cost around 25 million NOK.

The rebuilt Gildehall is where the festival area will be. The impressive Feasthall, being 33 meters in length, totally dominates the festival aera. Richly carved with period decorations it makes you feel like you have been transported back in time. The great Hall, buildt to impress and intimidate, was a place for feasts, important decision making and cultic activeties: known as Blot. The atmosphere at the plains of Gildehallen is magical with a genuine Norse feel to it which echoes the ancient times. Here is where the Midgardsblot outdoor stage will be with the Beerfestival and the Viking market surrounding it. Midgardsblot invites you to the best of the world of metal in unique and historical surroundings!